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A knowledge hub for the latest research related to the key operational and risk related challenges of the global re/insurance sector.
We work with academic and insurance contacts to match research reports to industry experts, creating a collaborative loop with the goal of increasing the impact and tangible application of new research.
Please see below the latest papers and research reports:
Best practices for modelling the physical risks of climate change
From extreme summer floods in Europe to tropical cyclones (Hurricane Ida) and exceptional winter weather losses in Texas, 2021 provided further evidence of the role insurers played in bringing financial relief to victims of disasters.
Developing Scenarios for the Insurance Industry
Considering scenarios for catastrophic shocks, which trigger severe loss across a potential range of insurance classes, the design and uses of shock risk scenarios
Developing Scenarios for Disaster Risk Reduction
Considering scenarios for catastrophic shocks impacting people, systems, and infrastructures and how to reduce systemic disaster risks in society
Drivers of Lower Tail Loss Inflation in Earthquake CAT Models
An Example from 1994 Northridge, exploring how to enhance earthquake catastrophe models using new data.
Flood Research Needs of the (Re)insurance sector
Collaborating to improve risk understanding and management. Exploring how to mitigate flood losses in a rising flood risk environment
Automating Reinsurance through Computable Contracting
It is said that for every pound spent on premiums on the Lloyd’s insurance market, only 60p
remains to cover claims. In other words, the cost of doing business represents 40% of gross